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£11.5m refinancing of converted office block secured for complex ownership structure
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Two-thirds of buy-to-let landlords (66%) do not intend to sell any of their properties in the next 12 months and 36% of those actually intend to buy property, according to the latest survey by Landbay.
The other third (34%) is thinking of selling but only one in ten of them will sell all of their property with the main reason being that property investment is no longer financially viable. However, 90% of landlords looking to sell said they only want to sell some of their properties, with 15% of those also intending to buy due to portfolio restructuring. The main reason for selling, cited by 65% of landlords, is rising interest rates, up from 45% a year ago.
Rob Stanton, business development director at the lender, said: “The market is changing and landlords who see opportunities are taking them while others are rethinking their strategy.”
Source: Landbay, Press Release
Call Trinity Specialist Finance to secure a buy-to-let or professional landlord mortgage on 020 7016 6151 or book a consultation
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