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Paragon Mortgages is offering a new product range and enhanced lending criteria for professional landlords with larger-scale portfolios.
Trinity Specialist Finance has access to Paragon Premier's range which is available through a limited distribution network.
The lender is trying to boost lending and attract landlord with larger portfolios by offering specific products designed for limited companies and SPV's.
- Enhanced fixed and lifetime tracker rates
- Up to 80% LTV on Multi-Unit and HMO properties
- Limited company applications
Paragon does not have restrictions on portfolio sizes with other lenders but its maximum property portfolio with the bank is £10 million.
John Heron, managing director of Paragon Mortgages, said: "These new products are designed for top-end professional landlords, specifically those that hold their portfolios in special purpose companies.
"As this is a pilot scheme for more complex buy-to-let cases, we are working with a limited number of specialist intermediaries with a proven track record in the market. This latest initiative is part of our ongoing strategy to ensure that we have a comprehensive proposition for residential property investors."
Contact Trinity Specialist Finance on 020 7649 9885 to arrange a mortgage through Paragon Premier.
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