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Together offering competitively priced bridging loans

Together have released a new Unregulated Bridge Fixed rate product.

In an email to intermediaries, Together said “We regularly review our products to ensure that we continue to be flexible on criteria, to support our valued customers and partners. As always we can help a variety of customers with our common-sense approach. In light of this, from today you will now have access to an unregulated Bridge fixed rate product.”

Rates will be from:

• Standard residential First charge 0.95%
• Standard residential Second charge 1.05%
• Standard commercial First charge 1.05%

Mint Property has also made improvements to its bridging loans

Mint Property Finance is now offering bridging rates from 0.75% per month at 75% loan-to-value on their Standard Bridge and Light Works products.

Mint Property Finance said “These market-beating rates are available on all qualifying enquiries, saving Borrowers money on their deal when compared with other lenders. With multiple funding lines and a 100% success rate.”

Call Trinity Specialist Finance to secure a bridging loan on 020 7016 6151 or book a consultation 

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