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YBS Commercial Mortgages has refreshed its buy-to-let range in a move designed to support landlords.
The changes represent the third time the lender has reduced rates since the start of this year, despite the uptick in market rates since the start of the year.
The discounts include reductions of 0.15% on selected products in its core buy-to-let range. The specialist ranges for holiday lets and houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) have also been reduced by 0.05%.
Tom Simpson, managing director at YBS Commercial Mortgages, said: “These changes reflect our desire to pass on value wherever possible to our brokers and their clients."
There are no changes to the lender’s 5% fee buy-to-let products, starting at 4.95%, or to its semi-commercial or commercial investment products."
Call Trinity Specialist Finance to secure funding for a commercial mortgage on 020 7016 6151 or book a consultation
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