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YBS Commercial has made some changes to its buy-to-let processes aimed at saving landlords money and speeding up the time it takes for valuation reports to be completed.
For landlords borrowing up to £3 million on a maximum of four properties, the lender is now offering simpler, shortform valuations to estimate market value, instead of full, more complex, red book valuations.
Properties must be houses or flats to qualify, and the lender’s standard lending criteria still applies. Tom Simpson, managing director of YBS Commercial Mortgages, said: “This change, like so many of the improvements we’ve implmented this year, comes directly following broker feedback."
YBS offers a range of product and acceptance criteria
Commercial investment and limited company buy-to-let mortgages and is lends amounts £300,000 - £20,000,000 maximum per portfolio. The loan terms from 5 to 25 years.
The lender provides a dedicated personal service from application through to completion and loans up to 75% loan-to-value. It also provides both variable and fixed rates.
Call Trinity Specialist Finance to secure a commercial mortgage on 020 7016 6151 or book a consultation
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